Deep mutational scanning of HIV Envelope BF520 with anti-CD4 binding site sera and antibodies ============================================================================================= This page documents the data analysis. For the actual code, see Study by Caelan Radford, Jesse Bloom, et al. See the pre-print here ( Workflow -------- Below is the rulegraph for the `snakemake `_ workflow. Click :download:`here <../../results/docs_source/filegraph.svg>` for the more detailed filegraph. .. image:: ../../results/docs_source/rulegraph.svg :width: 800 Analysis notebooks ------------------ Many of the plots in these notebooks are interactive, so try mousing over points for details, using dropdowns, etc. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 analyze_pacbio_ccs build_pacbio_consensus build_codon_variants analyze_func_scores fit_globalepistasis avg_muteffects analyze_variant_counts analyze_prob_escape fit_polyclonal avg_antibody_escape validation_ICs mutations_vs_natural_sequences Data files ---------- - `parental gene sequence `_ - `parental protein sequence `_ - `sequential-to-reference site numbers `_ - `codon-variant table `_ - `processed barcode sequencing runs `_ - `variant counts `_ - `functional selection experiments `_ - `mutation effects for each functional selection `_ - `mutation functional effects replicate average (observed phenotype) `_ - `mutation functional effects replicate average (latent phenotype) `_ - `antibody selection experiments `_ - `antibody escape values `_ - `sequential to reference site numbering `_ - `PDB with 1-18 escape values as b factors `_ - `PDB with 3BNC117 escape values as b factors `_ - `PDB with PGT151 escape values as b factors `_ - `PDB with IDC561 escape values as b factors `_ - `PDB with IDC513 escape values as b factors `_ - `PDB with IDC508 escape values as b factors `_ - `PDB with IDF033 escape values as b factors `_ Interactive plots of mutation functional effects ------------------------------------------------ - `Observed phenotype effects `_ - `Latent phenotype effects `_ Interactive plots of mutation antibody escape --------------------------------------------- - `1-18 escape plot <1-18_escape_plot.html>`_ - `3BNC117 escape plot <3BNC117_escape_plot.html>`_ - `IDC508 escape plot `_ - `IDC513 escape plot `_ - `IDC561 escape plot `_ - `IDF033 escape plot `_ - `PGT151 escape plot `_